

Contact Service Desk

If you have any questions about building your custom project, please reach out to your Wiley Account Manager. For additional Wiley help, please visit the following link: Additional Help


What is Wiley Custom Select?

Wiley Custom Select gives you the freedom to build your course materials exactly the way you want them and offer your students a cost-efficient alternative to traditional texts. In a simple 3-step process you can create a solution containing the content you want, in the sequence you want, delivered how you want.

If you would like to see a demo of the site go to:

Login/Sign Up and get started with your own custom experience.

Who is my Wiley Account Manager?

Click on the following link and put in your required school information to find out.

Who's My Rep

If you are logged into the Custom Select site, your rep information will appear in the bottom of the right column.

A book I am interested in is not on the site, but is a Wiley book. Can I still get it?

Please email your Wiley Account Manager. They will be able to find out for you.

What if I want to use this custom book during another semester?

You can always submit a request to reprint the original custom book or copy the project if you want to make changes for another course or another term.

Can I upload my own cover?


How do I upload my own material?

Click on the "My Content" button at the top right of the screen. On the next page, select the red "Upload a File" button. You will be able to browse your computer's hard drive for any documents that are the following file types: docx, doc, xls, xlsx, ppt, pdf, pptx, png, gif, jpg, jpeg, rtf, and txt. Once you choose your files, you will need to accept the Terms and Conditions before uploading.

When you are building your custom book, you can add your content while in the "Arrange Book" tab. Click on "Add More Content" then click on the "Add my own content" option. Select the content you’d like to use and click "Add".

Do I need to secure my own permissions when I upload local or original content?

Yes! In order to upload any original images or content, you must first agree to our terms and conditions. For any 3rd party content you would like to include, you must secure permission to use the content prior to submitting your project.

What is the maximum number of pages I can have if I choose a print option?

The maximum page count for a perfect bound (soft cover) custom is 1020 pages. The maximum page count for a spiral bound custom is 900 pages.


How many copies of the book do I need to have printed to submit a custom project?

The minimum is 25 units.

How much does it cost?

After logging in, as you select content, the "Estimated Price" box in the top right corner will adjust for the selected amount of material. Pricing is based on the number of pagers selected and the type of output - Color or Black/White for printed books, eBook, Three Hole Drilled, etc.

How do I place my order?

Once you submit your custom, your Wiley Account Manager will reach out to you with the custom ISBN and details on how to order. You can also place your order here. Please place order directly through Customer Service as custom products are not made available on

What happens when I submit my custom project?

Your Wiley Account Manager will be sent an email alert to let them know you have submitted your project. Your Account Manager will get back to you to confirm details of the project and approve fulfillment. Depending on the format you have chosen, the final version of the project files will be sent to a printer to print copies to send to your campus bookstore or to a hosting service to be put online for your students to purchase as an eBook.

Please be aware that once your project is submitted, the file is locked and you will not be able to modify the formatting or quantities. Wiley Account Manager can make changes for you as a result of your discussions, but a project may not be modified once approved.

How long does it take to complete the process and receive my print books?

Please allow between 4-5 weeks from the time you submit your custom through Wiley Custom Select for the books to print. Once an order has been placed with the ISBN you will receive, it will take an additional 1-2 weeks to package and ship the books to the bookstore/customer. Please note that these are estimates and we constantly strive for a faster turn-around time with our vendors.

For additional Wiley help, please visit the following link:

    Additional Help